A screen for sewage treatment plants: The nrw contec screen

The sewage screen for screenings from 0.8 to 16 mm

Ultra-fine Screens

Screenings 0.8 to 2 mm

Examples: Lint, hair, wool, fine paper fibers, short fibers, and other fine solids.

Fine screen

Screenings 2 to 4 mm

Examples: Bristles, hair, paper, long fibers, cotton swabs, and other solids.

Coarse screen

Screenings 4 to 16 mm

Examples: Stones, cans, crown caps, long solids, plastic bags and other coarse materials.

Wastewater treatment with the right sieve size

Ultra-fine screens

Opening 0.8 mm – 2.0 mm

Ultra-fine Screens

Ultra-fine screens for the effective protection of membrane wastewater treatment plants or particularly sensitive process wastewater treatment plants.

Fine screen

Opening 2.0 mm – 4.0 mm

Fine sieve

Conventional municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant, contaminant removal and to protect downstream equipment.

Coarse screen

Opening 4 mm – 16 mm

Coarse sieve

Coarse screens for coarse material separation in industry, waste water from vacuum trucks, slaughterhouse, 1st cleaning stage in waste oil treatment, washing plants for military vehicles.

The screen of the wastewater treatment plant: 1st point of contact for screenings in wastewater

Screenings are the substances retained by a screen or sieve in a screening plant or waste water treatment plant.

Screenings consist primarily of organic substances and mineral components. Unfortunately, there are always contaminants in the wastewater for which actually a different way of disposal is supposed. For example, hygiene articles or small packaging.

The nature and the proportion of the usually foul-smelling screenings are important parameters for professional planning and the design of an efficient screening plant. For example, at the sewage treatment plant.

The nrw contec screen: With throughputs of
up to 3,600 m³/h an ideal screen for screening plants or waste water treatment plants.

A good piece of mechanical waste water treatment

The screen in a wastewater treatment plant usually represents the first purification stage. Here the coarse components, the so-called screenings, are filtered out. The geometry of the opening determines what the screen filters out. At the same time, the screen protects downstream treatment stages – for example membrane treatment plants – from coarser sediment, floating, suspended and other impurities. In terms of the process, the screen represents a part of the mechanical wastewater treatment in the wastewater treatment plant.

Waste water simply cleaned well:
The nrw contec screen

Based on the only low flow velocity and its generously designed screen surface, a nrw contec screen offers particularly good solids retention.

There is no need for a separate or particularly time-consuming cleaning process: during screening, the nrw contec screen virtually cleans itself all the time.

For increased demands on solids retention, a screen is the right choice. Also in smaller rooms.

All advantages at a glance …

Areas of application of the nrw contec screen

Mechanical pre-cleaning

Mechanical pre-cleaning

For screening out disposable products (impurities) in municipal wastewater.


  • Raw sewage
  • Clarification
  • Small sewage treatment plants
  • Direct discharge
  • Sedimentation tank
  • Sludge screening
  • Rain overflows

Membrane pre-cleaning

Membrane pre-cleaning

For the pre-treatment of waste water before membrane plants (MBR / membrane bioreactors). Or so that MBR plants are not damaged. The use of the nrw contec combination screen is also possible here.


  • Untreated raw sewage
  • Pretreated waste water

Industrial applications

Rechen Industrie

For the pre-cleaning of industrial water.


  • For mechanical pre-treatment of industrial waste water before discharge into the receiving water or into the plant’s own waste water treatment plant.
  • For the treatment of industrial process or cooling water for reuse.
  • Removal of contaminants to protect downstream equipment.
  • Separation of valuable materials in the recycling industry.

For waste water flow rates from 2.5 to 3,600 m³/h

nrw contec screen

sieve screen

Suitable for low flow rates – for example for small wastewater treatment plants or small mobile test plants – up to large wastewater treatment plants for wastewater treatment.

Sieving: 1-fold

Flow rate: 2.5 to 3,600 m³/h

nrw contec combination screen

Combi-screening on membrane clarification plant

Screening system with 2 cleaning stages connected in series. One drive for coarse and fine screening.

Sieving: 2-fold

Flow rate: up to 80 m³/h